Like the title says, this is my very first blog, thus making my blogging debut, and trying to see what all the hype's about this trend of blogging. I'll try to familiarize myself with this relatively new concept of updating what has been happening lately, and other than that what's new otherwise. To me this is very new, and that's why I chose the service of because is one of the most popular blogging services/tools on the Web, if not THE most popular one.
I'll begin this new & interesting journey of blogging with one topic, which, I, as a guy, love, adore and simply can't get enough of: unique and beautiful rides. And I'm pretty sure many of you can relate to that, whether you're a gal or a guy, young, middle aged, custom car veterans, whatever profession, nationality, background, etc.
From private, to public collections, automotive museums, car clubs and more, there's a seemingly never ending supply sweet spots for car fanatics spread all over Puget Sound and greater Northwest.
I'm talking about hot-rods, street rods, rat rods, roadsters, horseless carriages, vintage automobiles, classic cars, muscle cars, exotics, Italian autos, drag racing, Formula 1 and more. I always loved cars and the seemingly neverending ideas that designers and engineers come up with every year to dazzle and amaze us with, sometimes even making us think who thought of that or having us go "hmmph", "what the heck is that" or "what was he thinking?" in terms of design -inside and outside and the way certain things, components and parts work together, not to mention all of the test cars and prototypes that the public most often doesn't see and know even exist, for that just go online or at your library and look up books that cover just that: prototype or concept cars, from the early 20th century until today and you'll be most likely amazed and blown away at the wierd and quirky ideas designers had over the years, and how cultural and views of designers changed over the years, and how everything influenced aesthetic car design: the way they looked from outside and in the interior, from dashboard design to upholstery and more.
Besides having an endless appreciation and love/obssesion with cars, I also begun to appreciate photography, taking various classes in traditional black room photography, with film and all that, and doing all that cool stuff, and loved it a lot, and just experimenting with exposure, aperture and more, going in different locations and just shooting stuff, and trying to get the best possible shots, with just the basic cameras that I had over the years, and most recently began finally entering the digital photography world like just about everybody.
Plus, it's a lot more fun in many ways and a lot more convenient than film photography in that it's way easier to upload and transfer images to or from a PC and it was a no-brainer that I would go shooting cars of all kinds wherever I happened to spot one, be it at a car show, on the street parked, or rolling slowly at a parade, or some other kind of events...
So, since I got this camera in October '05, I've been lucky to capture some pretty cool rides, especially because I made sure to carry a camera with me at all times, wherever, whenever I go, sometimes even at shopping trips in the pocket, because you never know what you'll see where you walk, bike or drive, you don't wanna go: Oh, I wish I had my camera with me now. It happened to a lot of us, and I know how it feels when it happened to me too many times, when I had opportunities to capture cool shots, had I only been in the right spot with my camera.
I can't wait to see what 2010 will bring in terms of car shows, and other car-related events, where unique and beautiful rides will be riding cool in the Puget Sound area, and the rest of Washington state and beyond.
Live on cool rides, vintage and new, stock and custom, classics and racing, exotics and domestics, and more. Live on cool rides!!