Cool little enclosed truck with box made of some kind of wood, and decorated with an appropriate sign on it: Termite's Delight. No kidding. Sorry for the poor quality of pictures, but at the time, my camera had its LCD display cracked, so nothing was displayed on it, so i had to guesstimate the settings by memorizing how to set exposure and zoom, among others, in my mind, and remembering the last settings before them, in a way like working with a film camera, where you would try to set the camera exposure and zoom, based on how skilled and how good you were taking pictures up to that point, and now being able to see the actual photos until they were printed, hours or days later. This is what I had to work with here, and had no idea that the exposure on the camera at that time was set in such a way that I would too much light recorded. If I happen to see this cool truck again, I'll definitely take some better pictures, & post them here.
Spotted in Country Village in August '07.